TSMC treats employees as the most important assets. In addition to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace to encourage employees to make the best use of their talents in positions suited to them, TSMC actively equips employees with future capabilities through innovative thinking. In response to the digital transformation, TSMC introduced a blended learning model and conducted over 6,300 sessions of face-to-face trainings and over 5,600 sessions of virtual classrooms in 2022, with a total of over 2.11 million participants in the learning activities. To make learning more efficient, TSMC fully applies the 70-20-10 rule in the "New Manager Training Program" to assist new managers on early applying the learning into work to smoothen the transitional process. As of December 2022, around a total of 2,100 managers have participated in the program, with an average satisfaction score of 97.
TSMC strives to keep communication channels open to attract and retain talent with diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, and to provide a work environment that supports sustainable learning and development to help employees recognize their own strengths and grow with TSMC.
The 70-20-10 Rule and Blended Learning Helps New Managers Settle in Faster
TSMC develops talent according to the ">TSMC Capability Model, and designs learning programs based on the employees’ jobs and professional needs. As the number of employees continues to grow and employee demographic becomes more diverse at TSMC, the capabilities and functional development needs of the management must evolve with the times. Therefore, the Company has newly incorporated the 70-20-10 rule and the blended learning model into designing a new version of its new manager training program. A three-step process guides new managers to apply what they have learned to their work, and to make immediate adjustments based on feedback from their managers and trainers so they can continuously optimize their management capabilities.
The latest New Manager Training Program allows me to learn in diverse ways before, during and after the training. Especially after the training, I can continue to discuss with supervisors and peers through online groups, discuss real cases and solutions, and help team members grow together.
Equipping employees with future capabilities is one of the key strategies in TSMC’s talent development. From 2023, TSMC expects to provide different types of training for new employees, experienced managers, personal effectiveness, and English capabilities, with incorporating the 70-20-10 rule and blended learning modules respectively. In this way, to enable employees to apply their learning in the work and life, improve the performance, enhance the self-worth, and further become a driving force of social development.