Climate Change and Energy Management

In the face of a changing global climate, TSMC has not only strengthened its resilience to climate change, but also made preparations to lessen the possible impact disasters could have on operations and made efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As declared in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Environmental Protection Policy, responding to climate change is the responsibility of a sustainable business. TSMC faces the harsh challenges of climate change in collaboration with business partners, academia, government, and all of society by continuing to use energy more efficiently and by using renewable energy. TSMC strives to become a world leader in green production.

Strategies, Targets & Achievements

  • Drive Low-Carbon Manufacturing
    Continue to use best available technology to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), becoming an industry leader in low-carbon manufacturing
  • Use Renewable Energy
    Continue to purchase renewable energy and establish solar-energy power systems, increasing the use of renewable energy
  • Increase Energy Efficiency
    Plan for new energy-saving measures each year and actively implement energy-saving measures, increasing the efficiency of energy productivity
  • Strengthen Climate Resilience
    Establish climate change countermeasures and preemptive precautions, lowering the risks of climate disasters
Addressing climate change is the Company's responsibility and strategy toward sustainable operations. TSMC watches the issues related to climate change closely, including how Taiwan and the international community react to the issues, so as to continue improving the Company's ability to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.
A History of Responses to Climate Change
TSMC Renewable Energy Development Timeline
Note: Science Based Targets Initiative, SBTi is an initiative jointly established by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the "We Mean Business" Coalition, the UN Global Compact, and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). It aims for companies to set reductions in line with the Paris Agreement
Extreme climate and global warming may lead to potential business crises, and therefore TSMC is focused on three main goals: compliance with regulations, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and the management of carbon assets. In 2019, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework proposed by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) was used to identify TSMC's climate risks and opportunities. Based on the results, measures and goal management were established to effectively track response progress and outcomes, thereby lowering the financial impact of climate risks on business operation.
TSMC TCFD Framework
Climate Risk and Opportunity Matrix
2019 Actions on Climate Risks and Opportunities
TSMC has made continuous improvement in energy saving and carbon reduction. All improvement experience is applied as the best available technology to reach maximum energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Saving & CO2 Reduction

TSMC has established intelligent management systems to control power use and reduce standby power consumption. In addition, we replaced inefficient components and optimized equipment energy consumption. TSMC has carried out a total of 503 energy-saving measures spanning 8 diff erent categories. These measures saved 300 GWh, which is equal to eliminating 160 thousand metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, and saved NT$750 million in utility fees. By cutting down on carbon dioxide emissions, NT$240 million was saved in potential external carbon costs.

For more information, please read TSMC 2019 Corporate Responsibility Report:

Green Manufacturing - Climate Change and Energy Management

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